SEE JANE SPOTLIGHT With This Light: An interview with filmmakers Jessica Sarowitz, Laura Bermudez and Nicole Bernardi-Reis
With This Light: An interview with filmmakers Jessica Sarowitz, Laura Bermudez and Nicole Bernardi-Reis

NEWS: Talking Screens, August 11-17, 2023: Ira Sachs Brings Sexy Back | Bobi Wine is Fine | A New Nicole Bernardi-Reis Film
Co-Director Nicole Bernardi-Reis speaks with Newcity’s Ray Pride.

NEWS: Crean mural de seis metros en honor a Sor María Rosa en Tegucigalpa
En honor al que sería el 96 aniversario del natalicio de la ejemplar Sor María Rosa Leggol…

NEWS: Tegucigalpa tendrá impresionante mural de seis metros en honor a Sor María Rosa
En honor al que sería el 96 aniversario del natalicio de la ejemplar Sor María Rosa Leggol…

NEWS: Con película honrarán legado imborrable de sor María Rosa
En honor al que sería el 96 aniversario del natalicio de la ejemplar Sor María Rosa Leggol…

NEWS: 'Con esta luz', la película homenaje a Sor María Rosa que se estrenará en 2023
En honor al que sería el 96 aniversario del natalicio de la ejemplar Sor María Rosa Leggol…

NEWS: Darren Aronofsky to be Honored by Austin Film Festival
Austin Film Festival to Honor Darren Aronofsky

NEWS: Austin Film Festival Announces Schedule

NEWS: Latinx billionaire Jessica Sarowitz on building a film studio in Baldwin Hills
Billionaire entrepreneur Jessica Sarowitz made her fortune through the payroll company she founded with her husband, Steve — but she was not raised with that sort of wealth…
NEWS: Estudio 9: ‘Con esta luz,” la historia de Sor María Rosa Leggol
Este viernes, 8 de abril, en nuestro programa Estudio 9 dialogamos con Jessica Durán Sorówitz

NEWS: El documental ‘Con esta luz’ sobre la religiosa hondureña sor María Rosa Leggol: Una historia de fe y acción
El documental ‘Con esta luz’ sobre la religiosa hondureña sor María Rosa Leggol: Una historia de fe y acción

NEWS: With This Light: the story of the 'Mother Teresa' of Honduras
A new documentary film called 'With This Light' examines the life of a religious sister, Sister Maria Rosa

NEWS: “With This Light”, la storia della 'Madre Teresa' dell'Honduras
A new documentary film called 'With This Light' examines the life of a religious sister, Sister Maria Rosa

NEWS: “Con esta luz”: la historia de Sor María Rosa Leggol, la Madre Teresa de Honduras
A new documentary film called 'With This Light' examines the life of a religious sister, Sister Maria Rosa

NEWS: New Documentary Details Life of Sister Who Helped over 90,000 Honduran Children
A new documentary film called 'With This Light' examines the life of a religious sister, Sister Maria Rosa

NEWS: Documental sobre sor María Rosa Leggol se proyectó en el vaticano

NEWS: With This Light, il lungometraggio sulla vita e gli insegnamenti di Suor María Rosa Leggol, sarà proiettato nella Città del Vaticano
A new documentary film called 'With This Light' examines the life of a religious sister, Sister Maria Rosa

NEWS: El documental sobre la vida y el legado de Sor María Rosa Leggol se proyectará en Ciudad del Vaticano
A new documentary film called 'With This Light' examines the life of a religious sister, Sister Maria Rosa

NEWS: With This Light, Documentary Feature About the Life and Legacy of Sor María Rosa Leggol, to Screen in Vatican City
A new documentary film called 'With This Light' examines the life of a religious sister, Sister Maria Rosa

NEWS: With This Light, Documentary Feature About the Life and Legacy of Sor María Rosa Leggol, to Screen in Vatican City
A new documentary film called 'With This Light' examines the life of a religious sister, Sister Maria Rosa